Is It Easy to Date a Korean Girl

Are you looking into dating a Korean girl? Want some tips, tricks or just want to know what to be aware off? Then you came to the right place. This guide will tell you all you need to know about dating Korean girls.

Dating in Korea is not that different from the rest of the world but there are some cultural aspects you need to be aware off when dating a Korean girl or when dating in Korea. If you are aware and respectful of these distances, dating a Korean girl will be much easier.

** This guide is in no way meant to objectify Korean girls, it is meant to be an informative article. Yes, this guide will include some stereotypes. No Korean girl is the same, so these stereotypes don't cover all the girls in Korea. **

Dating A Korean Girl


  • How To Meet Korean Girls
    • 1. Dating Sites
    • 2. In Korea
  • Tips For Dating A Korean Girl
    • 1. Korean Culture
    • 2. Marriage And Family
    • 3. Materialism & Appearance
    • 4. Consider The Future
    • 5. Study Korean
    • 6. Respect
    • 7. Special Couple Days
  • Stereotypes About Dating Korean Girls

How To Meet Korean Girls

There are a couple of ways to meet a Korean girl, through online dating apps or by being out and about in South Korea. If you are living abroad and want to date a Korean girl, it might be a bit harder than when you are actually in Korea. But if you are dedicated and willing to travel to South Korea once in a while then go for it!

1. Dating Sites

There are a ton of Korean dating apps & sites out there. You might want to try out a few and see which one works best for you. Check out a list with the best Korean dating apps here.

If you are serious about dating a Korean girl and want to have a long lasting relationship, then you want to try out Korean Cupid. It is famous dating site for foreigners looking to date Koreans and it has more than 500 000 users.

Girls who sign up for this dating site have more sincere intentions and are also looking for a serious relationship with a foreigner. Signing up just takes a couple of minutes and after registering, you are free to browse among the many profiles.

To take full advantage of the site and be able to get in contact with woman on Korean Cupid, you'll have to upgrade your membership to a paid account. Click here to find more info about Korean Cupid & prices.

date korean girl

Find more information on how to set up your profile and click here for online dating tips.

2. In Korea

If you are already in Korea, it is lots easier to meet Korean girls than when you are living abroad. You can meet girls in clubs when going out, at church or through friends.

If you are going clubbing, the best area in Seoul to meet Korean girls who are interested in dating foreigners is in Itaewon.

Sogetting (소개팅) is a popular term used in Korea. It means bling dating but with a third person involved. This 3rd person is a mutual friend who hooks people up. This is a very popular way of dating and is reasonably safe as you are introduced by one of your friends.

Tips For Dating A Korean Girl

Now that you know how to meet a Korean girl, it's time for some tips and tricks. This section will contain some stereotypes, so just be aware that this does not cover all Korean girls.

1. Korean Culture

When looking to date Korean girls it is vital to understand the dating culture in Korea and also general Korean culture. The latter, especially when you are looking for a serious long-term relationship.

Korean culture is quite different form Western culture. When you look at the history of Korea, you'll see that many social rules are based on Confucianism. The main believes of Korean Confucianism are as follow: hierarchy, respect for elders, education, loyalties & a sense of duty.

The previous century was very hard for South Korea as you had the Japanese Occupation, the Korean War, the Cold War and a fast industrial revolution. This has shaped Koreans to be very hard working and strong minded.

A good education, attending a top university and getting a job at a big company is what parents expect from their children. The culture is based on saving face, achievements, community and strong family bonds.

Korean parents are generally more accepting of their daughter marrying a foreigner than if their son would like to date a foreigner. Most Korean girls are raised to respect men, take a more passive role in the relationship and some are even trained to become housewives. This is slowly changing, as more and more Korean girls are career focused. In marriage, the man is expected to be financially stable, the head of the household and to be strong.

2. Marriage And Family

The big dream of most Korean girl is getting married and have a family. This is again slowly changing as more and more woman are career focused. If you are dating a Korean girl, it is important to be very clear about your intentions.

Korean children mostly live with their parents until they are getting married, just be aware of this as you will not be able to stay over at her place.

Girls will probably not mention or introduce you to her family unless she's sure your relationship will lead to marriage. As Korean parents are very protective about their children, they will probably meddle in your relationship. Especially if you live in Korea, close to your in laws.

If your future parents in law don't approve of you, it is very likely that she will break of the relationship.

dating korean women

3. Materialism & Appearance

Materialism and appearance is very important in Korean culture. This is not only important for girls but for all Koreans. Fancy clothes, luxury cars, dining at expensive restaurants are common things. Materialism in Korea seems a bit more extreme than in Western countries. The reason for this is the rapid industrialisation period Korea went through and the need to succeed.

Someones success and power needs to be acknowledged and seen by others. These is no better way of showing your success by have the latest expensive clothes.

Another way this need for appearance and materialism is expressed sometimes is by doing plastic surgery. Have plastic surgery done is very common among both men and women. South Korea is the country of plastic surgery and some of the most common procedures are double eyelid surgery, nose surgery and v-line surgery.

4. Consider The Future

There are a couple things you want to ask yourself if you are looking to date a Korean girl.

If you are living outside Korea, are you willing to fly to Korea to meet the girl you met online? And if you want to start living together or get married, are you willing to move to Korea or can you support the girl to move to where you are living?

If you are already living in Korea, then are you willing to stay in Korea with the girl you met or can you support the girl to move back home with you?

5. Study Korean

Even if you are looking to date Korean girls that are fluent in English, you might want to study some Korean. Learning her native language shows how dedicated you are in your relationship and might really impress your future in-laws, especially if they don't speak English.

6. Respect

Like dating in any culture, treat the women with respect. Womanisers and players are a big turn off for most Korean girls. Most girls are looking for long term and serious relationships.

Don't only respect the girl but also the culture and religion. A big percentage of the Korean population is Christian and if you are dating a Christian girl, respect her religion and her dedication to her religion.

Be aware that sex doesn't usually take place in the early stages of a relationship in Korea.

7. Special Couple Days

There are loads of special couple days in Korea. These are special days which each have a different meaning. Most couples don't really celebrate every single couple day but many do. Listed below are the monthly couple days:

  • January 14 – Diary Day
  • February 14 – Valentine's Day
  • March 14 – White Day
  • April 14 – Black Day
  • May 14 – Rose Day/Yellow Day
  • June 14 – Kiss Day
  • July 14 – Silver Day
  • August 14 – Green Day
  • September 14 – Photo Day
  • October 14 – Wine Day
  • November 14 – Movie Day
  • December 14 – Hug Day

Find more info about these specific days here.

Stereotypes About Dating Korean Girls

Like dating in any culture, there are some stereotypes about dating Korean girls. For most of the girls these are actually true, but not for all girls.

  • Foreign men are playboys
  • Korean girls are afraid that you thing they are easy
  • Men pay for everything (on dates)
  • Koreans are very educated, it is important that you are too

Have you been dating a Korean girl? Did you like this article about the Korean dating culture? Do you have any tips about dating Korean girls? Let us know in the comment section below.


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